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Felipe Andrés Pérez Ika


Recipient of the

Fraternal Order of Moai Award

Field of Study:

Dentistry; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

In 2016 while looking at the careers in a brochure that they gave us at a university fair, I found Dentistry, and the description caught me. I realized that it had everything I liked, a combination of Science + Art. Besides the fact that I was always excited when I entered a dental office and saw all the instruments that were there, I wanted to learn about them. There is nothing better than being able to help people improve their quality of life, and at the same time being able to establish connections with them. Anyway, Dentistry, in addition to having the "crafts" part that I have always been passionate about since I was little, has a humanitarian part that manages to satisfy me even more.

Felipe Andrés Pérez Ika
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